JPA Security is configured via the persistence properties in your persistence.xml.
Below is a list of persistence properties that are supported out of the box by JPA Security.
- net.sf.jpasecurity.persistence.provider - This is the only property
that is required by JPA Security. It specifies the class name of the original persistence provider
that shall be used by JPA Security to do the actual database access.
- - This property specifies
the class name of the implementation of an authentication provider which may be any implementation of
the interface net.sf.jpasecurity.configuration.AuthenticationProvider.
- - This property specifies
the class name of the implementation of a security context which may be any implementation of
the interface net.sf.jpasecurity.configuration.SecurityContext.
- - This property specifies
the class name of the implementation of an access rules provider which may be any implementation of
the interface net.sf.jpasecurity.configuration.AccessRulesProvider.